Our new litter was born on 4/28/2023 and Artemis Juliet has 8 beautiful puppies! there are 6 boys and 2 girls in the litter with 4 black males and 2 white males and 2 white females. All puppies and the mother are doing great! Juliet’s milk came in quickly and we needed to do very little supplemental feeding. Most of the puppies had no weight loss in the first day while the larger puppies had a little weight loss on day two but by day three all puppies were on a good, positive growth curve!
We record their progress every day from day one and we assign them colored bands to track them during their growth period. This allows us to refer to them in these posts and you will be able to track them too against the pictures we will post.
They are eating every 2-3 hours and are crawling all over the place, they are not coordinated enough to walk yet but that should start to happen in the next few days.
I will post more in the next few days, if you are interested in an addition for your home or breeding program, please send us a mail at lori@legacypoodles.com