Week 6 Update of the Puppy Progress

Sorry I missed week 5, lots of things were happening and I couldn’t get to the computer to write a post.

The transition to real food is complete, they have eaten all of the raw meats we feed (chicken, lamb, beef, turkey), starches, dairies and grains (rice, oatmeal, potatoes, egg, yogurt) as well as vegetables (carrots and peas). They are also getting some different puppy kibble mixed in.

They have received their second worming dose and their weight gain is tracking nicely, they are all over 5 pounds now.

they play hard and sleep harder, they will start going outside this week now that the weather has started to warm up a bit into the 60’s. We will see how long that will last but with their coat, they are good to go in cooler temps!

The puppies have a playmate, our kitten Betty Boop has decided she is a puppy and spends her time with them, look in the box and you will see her.

We received our new puppy for ourselves! She is a silver from Clifton Standards and she will be going for conformation early next year.

Week 4 update, its all about the food!

Our puppies are transitioning off of mother’s milk to solid foods. Over the last week they were introduced to Esbilac (a milk replacement), Rice and raw lamb. We have been gradually increasing the amount of raw lamb vs the amount of rice. We are now up to 6 nuggets or raw lamb per pup, per meal (3 meals a day) as well as mom feeding them between meals as she weans them off of breast milk.

Their teeth are starting to come in so mom will be glad to have them weaned off in the next week or so.

We have started our next grain today, we introduced oatmeal today and will stay on oatmeal for the next 3-4 days and then introduce a new novel protein and a new starch (potatoes).

Teaching them to eat from a bowl is also a big step for them and they are going in with all paws! Keeping them clean is now the big focus. Here is a shot of them learning how to eat from their own bowls. We feed all the puppies from their own bowls so they can be assured to get their fair share and a measured amount of food per feeding.

All paws into the bowls!

Week 3 update and video

Everyone has received their first de-wormer dose and we have started the process of introducing them to Esbilac milk replacement and their first novel raw protein, lamb! As expected, the process is, shall we say, a bit messy as they trounce through their bowls, wipe their faces on each other, etc… Pretty much, daily baths but they are transitioning great and mom is happy because their teeth as starting to come in!

What’s happening in week 2

As we roll into week 2 of our latest litter, the puppies are starting to open their eyes, they are starting to get their legs under them and are roaming around their whelping pen. The puppies are migrating off their heating pads as they start to regulate their own body temperatures and explore their new environments. They are still eating fairly frequently at around every 3 hours.

They are gaining weight at a consistent level and are now closing in on a pound and a half!

Violet with her eyes just starting to open

New Puppies Arrived on September 24th

Well, it has been a VERY busy weekend! Juliet gave birth to 9 healthy puppies Friday evening. There were 4 girls and 5 boys, 5 are white and 4 are black. Here are a few of the early shots we took of them, they are eating and growing very well.

Our vet came out on Sunday and examined all of them and they are in great shape. We plan to have genetic testing done on them with the results hopefully available by week 6. Their parents have their testing done already and the results are available for those prospective buyer to examine if needed.

All our puppies are identified with a ribbon, as they get older, a colored Velcro band will replace the ribbon so it can be easily adjusted. We like using the ribbon for the first few weeks because the silk is very soft and doesn’t restrict their movement while they are still so small.

They are currently living is a basket with a heating pad to help them regulate their temperature, in another week or so, they will get to migrate out to the whelping pen so they have the ability to roam around as they get ready for their eyes to open. They will still have a heating pad available to them if they feel the need to get warm but it becomes more of their choice at that point.

We expect our puppies to be available to go to their forever homes around the last week of November.