It has been a busy few weeks! The puppies are now fully acclimated to all types of food as well as going outside. We have had them running around the yard, we have been teaching them to swim and they have learned to go up and down stairs.
They all swim very well, a few pull their paws too high out of the water, but all are able to find the stairs and get themselves out of the pool. They love to run as a pack and come when called. The girls are definitely the alphas in the pack, they are so outgoing and energetic. The pups love to play keep away from each other and wrestle over specific toys.
below you will see a picture of our green banded boy, he is so tired after a hard day playing that he fell asleep on his lobster stuffie.
Enough for now, we still have 4 boys and one show quality female if you are interested.