Our puppies are transitioning off of mother’s milk to solid foods. Over the last week they were introduced to Esbilac (a milk replacement), Rice and raw lamb. We have been gradually increasing the amount of raw lamb vs the amount of rice. We are now up to 6 nuggets or raw lamb per pup, per meal (3 meals a day) as well as mom feeding them between meals as she weans them off of breast milk.
Their teeth are starting to come in so mom will be glad to have them weaned off in the next week or so.
We have started our next grain today, we introduced oatmeal today and will stay on oatmeal for the next 3-4 days and then introduce a new novel protein and a new starch (potatoes).
Teaching them to eat from a bowl is also a big step for them and they are going in with all paws! Keeping them clean is now the big focus. Here is a shot of them learning how to eat from their own bowls. We feed all the puppies from their own bowls so they can be assured to get their fair share and a measured amount of food per feeding.

All paws into the bowls!